Monday, May 18, 2009

Proverbs 14:1

I am so burdened today over the recent turn of events in the Gosselin family of TLC's John and Kate + 8. As Phil scanned the groceries in the self check-out yesterday, I managed to keep the kids from getting us kicked out of Safeway while simultaneously reading an article in People about what Kate is going through. It was tragic. Tragic that a woman could list everything she had done right over the years, and nothing that she wished she had done differently. Tragic that their children have had to listen to their mom's sarcastic and demeaning words toward their Daddy for all these years, in their house, in public, and broadcast on cable television. And of course, tragic that now Jon has not been the faithful, honorable man he was supossed to be. Well gee, when a man doesn't quite feel like a man in his own home, he wouldn't want to be there so much, now would he? Let's not be stupid and say that Jon made the only error in this situation. Dr. Laura probably has a lot to say about this, and it's not that Kate's organic cooking should have been enough to keep Jon home. It's all about respect, which Jon wasn't getting. Proverbs says it well: "A wise woman builds her house, but a foolish one tears it down with her own hands." Our own hands! That is the power that we as wives have! It is time that we stop blaming men for not being men, and instead do our part better than we have. Is there anything you can say today to affirm your husband? Hasn't he done anything today worthy of your respect? Did he go to work? Take out the trash? Read to or play with the kids? Pray that God shows you something you can do or say to build up the man God gave you, and see what happens. No goodwilled man (and most are!!) will abandon his home is he feels respected there. And no, it's not about you turning into a doormat and elevating him to superior status. Reject that feminist thinking! We are ALL equally valuable. However, when we begin meeting our husband's needs for respect, they will natually show us the love that we crave. It's a win-win, and that's the way it should be, am I right?? Let's pray that Jon and Kate will take the time for their family in these next days, that they will leave stardom behind and do everything it takes to repair their marriage, and that there won't be another 8 children ripped apart by a sadly broken family.


  1. Very lovely post and I wholeheartedly agree.

    I do cringe whenever she speaks to her husband that way, and she defends it by saving they have eight kids and don't have time to talk nicely.

    However, I know people with more kids than that and they seem to do o.k!

    It's just a matter of loving and respecting your husband, as you said. To treat him like the man and head of the household that he is, not like a child......oh, I feel another Making Your Home Sing Monday post coming on, lol!

  2. Diana Ross had it right...R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

    When a man doesn't have that, he has nothing.

    A woman holds the power to help create a man more than worthy of her love.

    Lovin' on mine today!

    Great post Katie.
